Tiny Pasta Should Be Served at EVERY Italian Restaurant (VIDEO)
When’s your next Tiny Pasta party?
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I'm sorry are we in an Interdimensional Youtube Video? Are you collabing with the people behind Lil Bits?
Trust me this gonna be priced $30 in an italian restaurant lol
Perfect amount of pasta for a diabetic. 😬
What kind of spaghetti has raw egg with it…2nd dish???
I want to smash the kitchen and food.
Nice mini kitchen cooking video !
dat annoying music though….
This makes "Tiny House, Big Living" look like amateur hour.
That's about the portion size of pasta that I can eat, now, post bariatric surgery. But, seriously, these people have way too much time on their hands if this is a thing, now.
Little bits
We got tiny pasta tiny pie tiny fried egg
رمضان كريم 🌙 كم عربي هنا يحط لايك
Wow awesome delicious tiny pasta
Awwwww, soooo adorable 🤗
Lose weight eating 🍽 Italian food all day. Lol #jk
Cute, but I need quantity with my quality.
very nice and very testy yummmm…………………..