Mrs.Vahchef is very fond of cooking and her Recipes are very unique and fit for busy women specially working women

Italian bread is a flat oven baked recipe mix yeast, sugar, salt and water in the right proportions to make this basic bread.


Water ½ cup
Sugar ½ tsp
Salt 1 pinch
Yeast ½ tsp
All purpose flour 1 ½ cup


1. Take a bowl, add water, sugar, salt and mix nicely.

2. Slightly warm water add yeast, mix nicely until yeast is dissolved in water.

3. Add 1 cup all purpose flour mix nicely and allow dough to rest for 1 hour.

4. Dust some flour and place the dough and roll it into a loaf like as shown in video.

5. Dust some flour on a baking tray and place loaf, give gashes.

6. Place in oven and bake at 200 degree for 15 mins until nice crust is formed.

7. Cut bread into pieces and serve it.

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  1. Alisha 31