Nana Pacitto’s Italian Pasta Sauce (VIDEO)

This one is dedicated to my late grandmother, “Nana” Pacitto, who I liked to refer to as my typical Italian grandmother. She was short, plump, religious, kept the house immaculate, and she cooked like a dream. Whenever she made her lasagna, people would come running for it! To this day, I will never order Italian with pasta when I go out to eat, because it could never compare with her pasta sauce. Every Italian family has their own secret recipe for pasta sauce, and this one is ours. (If Nana could see this today, I think she would have loved the idea of her pasta sauce being seen by people around the world. 🙂 )

As far as Italian pasta sauce recipes go, this one is very simple: it’s nothing more than bringing the ingredients together in a large pot, and slow-cooking it for several hours. The recipe for this sauce can be seen on my Web site, Cast Iron Chaos, at:

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