HOMEMADE TORTELLINI RECIPE | How to Make Tortellini Pasta | Italian Food Recipes (VIDEO)
Learn how to make homemade tortellini from scratch. Tortellini pasta is a type of pasta from the region of Emilia Romagna. It’s one of the most famous and popular pastas in Italy. If you love Italian food you must love a nice plate of homemade tortellini. The question is, how do you like to eat your tortellini? with a sauce, with a broth or with cream?
In this video Ottavio Bonaccorsi (from The L.A.B – Laboratorio Artigiano Bonaccorsi Sydney) is showing us how to make tortellini from scratch. There are a lot of different tortellini recipes and this is how he loves to make them. The secret is to make them with LOVE. This is the best tortellini recipe you can find on youtube.
Enjoy this classic tortellini video recipe and please leave a thumbs up for Ottavio.
E ora si mangia…Vincenzo’s Plate
🎬 #VincenzosPlate is a YouTube channel with a focus on cooking, determined to teach the world, one #videorecipe at a time that you don’t need to be a professional #chef to impress friends, family and yourself with mouth-watering #ItalianFoodRecipes right out of your very own #kitchen whilst having a laugh (and a glass of vino!).
#tutorial #tortellini #pasta #freshpasta #homemadetortellini #homemade #italianfood #italianfoodrecipes #recipes #italy #tortalini tortellini classici #italy #pasta #cooking
Diamonds are not forever. ITALIAN FOOD IS FOREVER. 🙂 If I had to choose, I'd pick the tortellini.
Looks delicious!! Wish I could get those eggs here
Yummy! You did a great video, Vincenzo my dear friend 🙂 Much enjoyed!
Very Inspiring. We have tortellini in our shops over here and it's usually a generic sounding sausage or spinach and ricotta, I really have to give it a go like with this recipe. Looks awesome.
I so enjoy your videos, Vincenzo! This is great 🙂 Thumbs up! Have a nice weekend…Jenny ♫
Ciao, Vincenzo, i tortellini li ho mangiati proprio ieri…però in brodo. Li prepariamo anche col ragù. Ottimo video per questa gustosa pietanza. Buon fine settimana. Pino
Ciao sono un cantautore sto cercando di far conoscere la mia musica e per questo sto invitando a chi lo desidera ad ascoltare questa mia canzone dal titolo, "NO", che risponde alla domanda: "la vita che viviamo è la vera vita?"credo che valga la pena ascoltarla, poi se ti va dimmi cio che pensi, e se ti va iscriviti al mio canale. Questo è link https://youtu.be/M1tfv8vaabc Ciao Davide
Che schifezza!! I tortellini non sono questi!!! Ma che fate vedere?? Le tradizioni e la cucina Bolognese non c’entrano nulla con sta roba!! 😡😡😡
I love Tortellini Pasta, Amazing my Friends!!!
Wow! These tortellini look amazing! Great video!
Mmmmmmmmm……LOVE IT!
My favorite, great job again my friend! ☮☮
Ahah! Tortellino-ring! That's a good idea! 😉
I love tortellini, but i never tried making them by myself at home!
That pasta was just amazing, incredible…What a beautiful recipe you guys made a Booger hungry!
Loveee Bologna i lived there 3months i also feel that way if i talk about Bologna like waaaaaaaaaa
Ciao, Vincenzo. Your tortellini turned out amazing. Grazie Millie for making my request, mi amico! What's your best tip for cutting mushrooms? Have a good day, Vincenzo.
This is a work of art. I wish I was there to have a plate full. Great job guys.
Vincenzo, now I know where tortellini is from! I've always LOVED it! The filling looked luscious! The shaping of the tortellini is fascinating! The meat sauce made me drool! What an awesome recipe! What a great video! Thank you my friend!
bravissimi 👌like 44👍👍👍